Davenham Village Show in aid of Pancreatic Cancer Action: Saturday 15th July 2023 (1pm - 9pm)

SAVE THE DATE for this village event in aid of Pancreatic Cancer Action. There will be music, stalls, entertainment, refreshments, competitions, doh show, and displays.


We will share more details over the coming weeks including when tickets will be available. Watch this space and thank you as always for your continued support.

Davenham Village Christmas Light Switch-On and Christmas Market: Saturday 3rd December 2022

It was great to see so many of you at our Davenham Christmas Market and Tree Lighting Event. This was a collaborative event with Davenham Royal British Legion Social Club, Bulls Head, Oddfellows Arms and local businesses with their market stalls.


Thank you to all our food vendors, entertainers and choirs - we hope you all have a wonderful time! 

Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebration:                          Saturday 4th June 2022 (3pm - 10pm)

Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee on Butchers Stile.


It was great to see the field full of families, neighbours and new friends coming together to celebrate 70 years of Her Majesty's reign. The event allowed us to showcase local talent with live music from local musicians throughout the day, local businesses with their artisan products, and local community groups sharing awareness and fundraising. 


We are very grateful to the National Lottery for their grant of £8300 towards the cost hiring the stage, marquees, toilets and technical support, all of which are the most significant cost in hosting this event. 


Thank you to everyone who supported us with raffle donations including Experience Days (https://www.experiencedays.co.uk/charity-scheme); we are vey grateful for their kind donation.


All profits raised will be going to Davenham Royal British Legion Social Club to support community events and improve the community hub.


We would love to hear your feedback and what else you would like to see in Davenham too. Please see our Facbook page for more pictures of the event. Thank you everyone for your support, what a wonderful community we have!


Davenham Village Christmas Light Switch-On and Christmas Fest: Saturday 18th December 2021

Davenham Parish Council would like to thank all residents who came along to see Jo Hyslop (Headteacher of Davenham Primary School) officially switch on the Village Tree Lights and open the Christmas Fest.


It was a lovely evening with carols sung by children from Davenham Primary School who were accompanied by The County High School Brass Band. Food and refreshements provided by local businesses were very much appreciated and enjoyed by all who attended.


Davenham Carnival

The carnival is organised by Davenham Carnival Committee, a group of local volunteers.  The carnival committee always need volunteers to help make this event so sucessful and for it to continue.  If you would like to get involved with the carnival, please contact the committee via Facebook: 




The Davenham Mosaic Project

The Davenham Mosaic Village Project is run by village resident Jan Johnson.  The Mosaics are made by local residents, their families and friends and show the main features and historic landmarks of Davenham village.  


Please go and have a look if you are walking past the theatre.

