Our Police Community Support Office (PCSO)

Davenham Parish Council and Moulton Parish Council jointly fund a local Police Community Support Officer who is employed by Cheshire Constabulary. Our PCSO works a shift pattern which includes evenings up to midnight, daytime working and covers every day of the week.


The PCSO has bases in Davenham and Moulton and has immediate access to all Police facilities and backup and will patrol the area on a bike (rather than in a car) so will be readily available to talk to people and deal with incidents, problems and issues. 


101 is the new Police non-emergency number. 


When should I call 101?

To report less urgent crime or disorder, to contact the police with general enquiries or to speak to a local office. For example:

  • If your car has been stolen.
  • If your property has been damaged.
  • Reporting a minor traffic incident.
  • Where you suspect drug dealing or use.
  • Giving information to the police about crime in your area.


How does it work?

You can call 101 to contact Cheshire Police 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


How much does it cost?

Calls from landlines and mobiles cost 15 pence per minute, no matter what time of the day or how long you are on the phone.


Always call 999 in an emergency where there is a threat to life or a crime in progress. 

PCSO Newsletters

Newsletter Dec.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.4 MB]
PCSO Newsletter - Oct 2023
PCSO Newsletter Oct.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.4 MB]