Davenham Clubs and Societies

Davenham Parish contains a large number of clubs and societies to enjoy within the local community. Below is a list of key groups and contacts.


If your Club or Society is missing or you have news you would like us to publicise please email the Clerk with your information and we will add it to this page!


1st Davenham Scouts, Cubs and Beavers 

Davenham Royal British Legion

Website: The Royal British Legion

Address: Firthfields, Davenham, Northwich CW9 8JB

Telephone: 01606 43466

Davenham Cricket Club

Davenham Junior Football Club

Website: www.djfc.co.uk

Davenham Bowling Club

Davenham & Sandiway Players

Davenham WI

Davenham Baby & Toddler Group

Friends of Davenham Primary School

Website: FODS

Mid Cheshire Community Shed

Website: www.mccshed.org